cute toddler playing with wooden rattle

What age does a baby play with toys

Babies can start interacting with toys at different ages depending on their developmental stage. Here’s a general guideline of when babies begin to play with toys:

1. Newborn to 2 months

At this age, babies don’t actively play with toys, but they do begin to respond to sensory experiences. They might start to look at high-contrast patterns, such as black-and-white toys, and enjoy listening to soft sounds, like rattles or lullabies. They may also start to grasp toys briefly, especially if placed in their hands.

2. 2 to 4 months

Around this time, babies start to develop better hand-eye coordination and may begin to reach for and bat at toys. Soft, lightweight toys with textures and colors will capture their attention, and they may begin to bring objects to their mouths, which is how they explore the world at this stage.

3. 4 to 6 months

By this age, babies are better at holding toys and may enjoy shaking rattles or pressing buttons on toys that make noise. They also enjoy toys that are brightly colored, have different textures, or make sounds when they interact with them.

4. 6 to 9 months

At 6 months, babies become more coordinated and can start playing with toys in a more purposeful way. They may start to explore cause and effect, such as pushing buttons, dropping toys, or turning the pages of a soft book. They also enjoy toys that encourage sitting and reaching, like stacking rings or soft blocks.

5. 9 to 12 months

Around this age, babies enjoy interactive play. They may enjoy toys that allow them to manipulate objects, such as shape sorters or toys with buttons and levers. They may also start imitating simple actions like clapping or waving, and toys that promote crawling or walking can engage them.

6. 12 months and beyond

By 1 year, babies are much more active and can start to engage in simple pretend play. They may push toy cars, stack blocks, or use dolls or action figures in very basic ways. As they approach 18 months, their play becomes more imaginative, such as pretending a block is a phone or using a toy kitchen set.

Overall, babies begin to play with toys in more interactive and purposeful ways as they grow and develop. Toys can support motor skills, cognitive development, and social interaction, so choosing age-appropriate toys is important.